Special Offering to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Great Compassion Repentance Puja) 供奉观世音菩萨 (大悲忏法会)

Availability : In stock

“Great Compassion Repentance Puja” is dedicated to liberate sentient beings from their past negative karma through the blessings of the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. It is an auspicious day to make offering to the Triple Gem.


Offering Hall 供殿
Hall of Great Compassion (Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
大悲殿 (光明山普觉禅寺)

Date of Offering 供奉日期
29 September 2024 - Great Compassion Repentance Puja
农历八月廿七 - 大悲忏法会

Offering Items 供品
Package A ($12) - 1 LED Light 1盏LED灯
Package B ($22) - 1 LED Light and Flower 1盏LED灯与花

Note 备注
Staff will make offering on behalf of the contributors

Maximum 50 characters


Why make Offering?
Making shrine offering is an act of devotion which expresses appreciation and veneration to the Triple Gem.
The offering of light represents the illuminating brightness of wisdom, which dispels the darkness of ignorance on the path towards Enlightenment.
The offering of flower represents the aspiration to achieve the body of the Buddha with the thirty-two marks and the teaching of impermanence.

Hall of Great Compassion
The Hall of Great Compassion, symbolising the great compassion of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. On the far left of the hall is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, whose name means "Universal Virtue" as he embodies the dilligent practice of a bodhisattva. He is accompanied by an elephant, symbolising his steadfast and resolute practice in the six perfections of generosity, morality, patience, joyful endeavour, meditation and wisdom.

Dedicated By
The entry under "Dedicate By" will be reflected on the Offering list and placed near the item during offering. Regardless of language, the maximum text is 50 characters. The font size of the entry on the Offering list will automatically be adjusted based on the length of each entry. (which means, the longer the entry, the smaller the font will reflect on the Offering list.)
在“ 供奉者”处输入的寄语将显示在“供奉者明细表”中。明细表将会放置在供品附近。 无论使用任何语言,字符数限制为50。 “供奉者”寄语将根据输入文字长度自动进行调整字体大小。 (这意味着输入的字体越多,寄语文字将越小。)

Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.
Information may change without prior notice.