Type 香类 : Coil Incense 盘香
Capacity 容量 : 48 pieces 48片
Burning Time 燃烧时间 : About 2 hours 约2小时
This contains countless precious and rare fragrant medicinal plants, the precious nectars of the four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and other blessed materials. This has been made according to the instructions in the scriptures and especially blessed with grand offering puja of the Zambala, the Gold of Wealth. If kept with one’s body or made offering by burning, one will be able to accumulate the merits of wealth and receive protection from the Deities if Wealth and the Protectors; be able to stay in the blessed light of the Deity to removing all the obstacles; expand one’s wealth without any worldly shortcomings and fulfill one’s wishes.
内有无数珍稀香药材,藏密四大教派传承殊胜甘露丸,及诸药王、舍利等诸加特圣物,如法恭制而成,并以财神法作广大加持 。 配带于身或点供,能增长财富资粮,得财神圣众护法随身守护,自身常安富足无畏福德光明中,避除一切障难、财福广进、福德增长、受用无缺、所 求如意。